3 Most Common Apps Made By PHP Web Development

There is no doubt in the fact that mobile app development is shooting for the stars, and at every step, it is revolutionizing the world. Hence it becomes important for businesses to merge their process with the trending app technology. As we experience the wave of digitalization in every sector, we witness a few favorites that always stand out in the crowd. So today in this article we would talk about the most common types of apps created by this popular language. Yes, we are talking about PHP. But first, let us know a bit about its basics. What Is PHP? It is basically a scripting language that is designed for providing dynamic web pages. Even though the main objective is server-side scripting, it has now evolved and incorporated a command-line interface capability. This language can be used to create client-side GUI (Graphical User Interface) apps too. Now let us know more about PHP web application development. What Are The Most Used Features Of ...